Kissable pout

As we excitedly wait for New Year’s Eve to arrive, our plans of dressing up become grander by each passing minute! While you plan your outfit, shoes, accessories and even make-up, don’t forget the most important thing, your lips! Because, when the clock strikes 12 and your beloved turns to give you the first kiss of the year, you do not want to conscious of your lips!

Follow these simple ways to make your lips ‘kiss’ friendly!


Use a baby toothbrush to exfoliate your lips. To avoid over-scrubbing, cover your lips generously with balm of petroleum jelly.


Sadly, we all aren’t blessed with Angelina Jolie’s lush lips. To make your lips appear larger and fuller, line your lips just outside your natural lip line and fill in with a glossy color. Don’t overdo the lip-liner; otherwise you might end up looking like a creepy clown! For a fail-proof pout, try a lip plumper instead!


Seal the deal on your lip-lock by creating a long lasting matte look. Simply hold a tissue over your lips and apply powder over the tissue.


To make your lips look glamorous,use your finger to stamp a little bit of frosted blush or eye shadow to the center of your bottom and top lip.

Do try these tricks and let me know what worked and didn’t work for you. Happy kissing!!

xx E

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