Lose weight, not your mind!

Losing weight is one of the first steps every bride-to-be takes to look her best on the big day.

Wedding weight management and diets aside, you need to remember what weddings are really about- Food! This will include feasting on at-least 3 major functions, halwai food for a minimum of 5 days, resort food during your honeymoon and endless dinners at relatives’ houses, pre and post wedding. Imagine the amount of food, oil, sugar and spices you will be consuming!It’s always better to be prepared.

Drink Lemon Water & Herbal Teas


When taken first thing in the morning, fresh lemon juice flushes the liver of impurities, while a lot of green teas increase your metabolism, helping you balance out heavy food.

Fruit infused water


You might not be convinced with what this can do, but it tastes great! Plus, drinking 2 liters of water everyday will do wonders!

Oil Pull Once or Twice a Day 

Swish a tablespoon of it in your mouth (the best time is first thing in the morning) for 20 minutes or more, it absorbs toxins and mouth bacteria. This pulls the toxins and bacteria from your mouth. Use any natural oil like Coconut or Sunflower.

Take a Detox Bath

4155cdb5342ca1e5e6360121f325856b Baths are relaxing all by their lonesome, but when you throw in a few handfuls of Epsom salt(magnesium sulfate), sea salt and dried herbs; maybe even a few drops of calming essential oils, it turns into a detoxifying bath!

Work out!


Exercise not only helps you lose weight and stay in shape, it releases endorphins in your body. And what do endorphins do? They make you happy! “And happy people just don’t go around killing people!”- Elle Woods. If you don’t know who she is, then I can’t help you!

Detox Diets


Every Blogger and their Mama recommends detox diets, juice cleanses and crash diets. If you need to shed a few kilos, use these, but with caution.

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